Craps Rules Dice
It is not easy to learn how to play craps but once you do, you will be amazed to find out what a thilling game it is. Read this detailed explanation of the rules of craps. Increase your knowledge and your chances of winning. H.A.L.C Slot 5, Sefiria Da - Destiny of Dice Battle, Strip high dice, Cannibal roulette - Craps (Sort by: Popularity).
Craps is played with a pair of dice which is thrown by a person that the casino calls 'The Shooter' - this is the player who holds the dice at that moment. Other players are allowed to join in the game and place bets.
The biggest and noisiest table in the casino is normally the craps table! You can usually spot it because there often a lot of people leaning over the table making quite a noise!
Craps Rules Dice
Craps is actually quite a simple game once you learn the rules
Play Craps at: Golden Tiger Casino Prime Casino
Craps Features
In order to make a bet on a craps table online you simply need to left click on any of the betting areas on the craps table.
To remove your bet - you just need to right click on the chips you placed.When you've finished placing your bets - you click 'Roll' and the credits will be deducted
The game will start by clicking 'Roll' - ( Only if you have placed a bet on the table though )
Left Click in the betting area to place a bet and increase your bet.
Right Click on the chips you have already placed in order to decrease the bet or remove the bet.
If you click on a pile of chips your bet will increase and you can reduce your bet by right clicking on the chips
There are also short cut buttons such as the 'Clear', 'Repeat', 'Undo' and 'Redo' buttons which allow you to change your bets quickly
'Clear' removes all of the chips on the table
'Repeat' copies the previous bet
'Undo' removes all of the changes you made since the last bet.
'Redo' places the bets back
Playing Craps
Craps Rules Dice Poker
As mentioned above - Craps can be a simple game and although there are lots of different betting options you only need to learn a few of them to get started.
In a nutshell you are betting on the outcome of the numbers rolled by the Dice.
The simplest bet to make is to bet on the 'Pass' line in the hopes that a 7 or an 11 is rolled on the dice. If you bet on this, and a 7 or an 11 is rolled you receive even money and get to make another bet.
This first roll of the dice is known as the 'Come Out ' Roll.
Craps Rules Dice Board

If you don't roll a 7 or an 11, then a 'point' is established on the number of the value on the dice rolled. Once a point is established you need to try and roll the same number again before the 7 is rolled. Once the 7 is rolled you lose your bet. Once a point has been established you can't take your bet away from the Craps table.
Types of Bets
There are lots of different kinds of bets that can be placed in Craps:
'Pass Bet'
The 'Pass Bet' is the simple bet where you bet on a 7 or 11
'Don't Pass Bet'
The ' Don't Pass ' bet is placed against the 'shooter' and wins if a 2 , 3 or 12 is thrown during the 'come - out' roll of the dice.
'Come Bet'
The 'Come Bet' is the same as the 'Pass Bet' but cannot be made on the 1st roll - which is known as the 'Come - out ' roll.
The main purpose of this bet is to allow other players to join in on the game without having to wait for the 'point' to be established
'Don't Come Bet'
The 'Don't Come Bet' is the same as the ‘Don't Pass’ bet, but can't be made on the 1st roll ( the 'Come - out' roll )
'Odds Bet'
The 'Odds Bet' is an extra bet made on a 'Don't Pass', 'Pass' , 'Don't Come' or 'Come' bet that has is already .
These bets can only be placed when the point has been established.
'Win Bet'
The 'Win Bet' can only be made on numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 & 10.
It is a bet that the chosen number will come up on the dice before the 7 is rolled.

'Lose Bet'
The 'Lose Bet' can only be made on the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 & 10.
It is a bet that a 7 will come up on the dice before the chosen number is rolled.
'Field Bet'
The 'Field Bet' is for the next throw. Even money is paid out if a 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 come up on the dice throw,
and it pays double the bet if a 2 or 12 is rolled.
'Hardways Bet'
The 'Hardways Bet' can only be made on the numbers 4, 6, 8 or 10.
It is a bet that the chosen number will come up on the dice in its double form - eg If both dice had a 2 on them - the total would be 4 so the 'Hardway Bet' would be won.
'Any 7'
'Any 7' is a bet on the next roll of the dice. The payout will be 5 to 1
'Any Craps'
'Any Craps' is a bet on the next roll of the dice. The payout will be 8 to 1
'Craps Two'
'Craps 2' is a bet on the next roll of the dice. The payout will be 30 to 1 if a 2 comes up.

'Craps Twelve'
'Craps 12 ' is a bet on the next roll of the dice. The payout will be 30 to 1 if a 12 comes up.
'Craps Three'
'Craps Three' is a bet on the next roll of the dice. The payout will be 15 to 1 if a 3 comes up.
'Eleven Bet'
'Eleven' is a bet on the next roll of the dice. The payout will be 15 to 1 if an 11 comes up.
'Horn Bet'
The 'Horn Bet' is a bet on any 2, 3 or 12 ( Craps ).
'Big 6 and Big 8'
The 'Big 6 and Big 8' Bet is a bet that a 6 or 8 will come up before the next 7. The payout will be even money.
Play Craps at:Golden Tiger Casino Prime Casino
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At the start, the shooter rolls the dice, and this beginning roll is called a 'come-out' roll. The shooter continues making 'come-out' rolls until something OTHER than a 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12 shows up. When this happens, the number rolled is called the 'point.' So if a shooter rolls a 2, 7, and then an 8, the 8 becomes the point. Then, the shooter continues to roll the dice until the point (in this case, 8) repeats, or a 7 comes up. When either of these things happen, that particular round of play is over, and the shooter makes a new come-out roll.
The game is tracked using a plastic 'puck.' The puck is black on one side, and white on the other. If the puck is turned black side up, it simply means that the shooter is making a come-out roll. After the shooter makes a point, the puck is flipped over, with the white side up, and placed in a box that corresponds to the point.
Prior to the 'come-out' roll a player must make a wager on the pass line or don't pass line. After shooter has established the 'point' players can also place 'odds bets. A quick breakdown is included below:
Pass Line
An even money bet, made on the first roll of the dice (known as the 'come-out roll'). You win if a 7 or 11 roll, or lose if 2, 3, or 12 roll (also known as 'craps'). Any other number that rolls becomes the 'point' and the point must roll again before a 7 to win.Don't Pass Line
An even money bet, which is the opposite of the pass line bet. You lose on the 'come out roll' if if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11. You win on a 2 or 3. A 12 is a tie. Once a point is established, you lose if the point is thrown and win if a 7 rolls.
Come Bets
Made anytime after the first roll when the shooter has a point to make. You win on 7 or 11 and lose on 2, 3, or 12. Any other number becomes your 'come point' and must be repeated for you to win before a 7 rolls.Don't Come Bets
Made anytime after the first roll when a shooter has a point to make. It is the opposite of the come bet. You win if a 2 or 3 roll (12 is a tie), and lose if 7 or 11 roll. Any other number becomes your 'come point' and if repeated you lose. If a 7 rolls you win.
Field Bets
A one roll bet. You win even money on 3, 4, 9, 10, 11. You win 2 to 1 on 2 and 12. You lose on 5, 6, 7, or 8.Big 6 and Big 8
These are a bet that the appropriate number (6 or 8) will be rolled before the next seven. It pays even money.
Any Seven
You win if a seven is rolled on the first throw after you have placed your bet.
A hardway bet is not a one roll bet. You are betting that the shooter rolls a pair. Hardways win if the dice roll as a pair and lose if a 7 rolls or a number is thrown 'the easy way.' Example: If you bet a hard 8 and the dice roll 4,4 you win. If the dice roll 'easy' 5,3 or 6,2 you lose.
You win if a 2, 3 or 12 is rolled on the first throw after you have placed your bet.
You win if an 11 is rolled on the first throw after you have placed your bet.
Place Bets
Once a shooter makes a point, you may make a 'place bet' on 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
If the shooter rolls any of these numbers before a 7 you win the following payoffs on
our tables: even money on the 6 or 8, 3 to 2 on the 5 or 9, 2 to 1 on the 4 or 10.